These service contracts present you with a minimum number of clicks that you get billed for each month. It doesn’t matter if you go under that amount—you’re still going to pay that minimum amount. Of course, if you go over you’ll have extra charges! Make sure you understand the overages before you sign so that there are no surprises later. Also, it’s common that the service provider will attempt to differentiate pricing between the included clicks and the overage clicks. This is in order to get more of the “guaranteed” or “expected” clicks upfront and not receive most of their funds as overages.
**A3 Machines Letter/Legal/11X17 Size copiers**
**A4 Machines Letter/Legal Size copiers**
**A3 Machines Letter/Legal/11X17 Size copiers**
**A4 Machines Letter/Legal Size copiers**
What’s Included in a Copier Service Contract
Most copier service contracts include toner, drums, maintenance & repairs, and anything else that isn’t paper (or staples if you have a finisher). It’s designed to be hassle-free and to allow you to focus on your business and not maintain a device in your office (or become an expert in troubleshooting issues). Of course, it can also include some things you don’t want—like fine print. Reading the fine print can save you tons of headaches down the line. Some of the more “incendiary” fine print we’ve seen.
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